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4 ways to educate and entertain your class this end of term

Now that the stress of summer exams is out of the way, both you and your pupils deserve a break. With the pressing priorities of the curriculum covered, keeping the momentum of the school day going with educational activities can be a little tricky.

If you’re in need of some end of term time-fillers to make the next few weeks go smoothly here are four activities for primary schools that will make that final school term fun and memorable.

Make a Memories Book

A year is a very long time in a child’s life, yet it flies so incredibly fast. Making a memory book is the perfect way to encourage your class to reflect on what they have learned over the past few months, what they have enjoyed, and their favourite memories.

If your children will be moving class (or school!) at the end of the year, it’s a great way to round off your time as their teacher, and brilliant OFSTED evidence too!

Summer holiday planner

Let’s face it, no matter how good the year has been overall, teachers and children alike are itching for the summer holidays. To get everyone in the mood for the 6 weeks ahead, why not spend some time creating a holiday planner that will help them get to grips with planning and managing their time?

You could create a focus such as fitness, healthy eating, DIY or extra-curricular activities that will make this both a fun and educational activity.

Freshen up the classroom

Instead of spending your well-earned break making posters and displays, incorporate this into your end of term activities by getting the kids involved. Colourful displays will look great for the upcoming school year, and if you want to showcase some of the children’s work why not get them to vote for their favourite pieces?

The next generation of British engineers

Science is a fascinating subject and one that can be used for countless fun activities. Get the kids thinking about the basics of science with an engineering competition. Utilise classroom objects to test the laws of gravity, the strength of different materials, and the logics of building and design.

Why not see who can build the tallest tower out of newspaper? Or create a paper aeroplane that can fly the farthest? Afterwards, you can discuss why the winner’s design succeeded, and how the others could have been improved.

These are just some of the many fun activities that can be brought into the school day to keep the children engaged and to ensure that those final few weeks of term are put to good use.